Requires the base game World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth on in order to use World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time.
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Requires the base game World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth on in order to use World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time.
Begin your journey today and play up to level 60 through eight expansions of adventure!
Explore a world of fantasy and endless possibility... A world where you’re the hero of your own epic story and new adventures await you around every corner. To begin or continue your journey, all you need is a subscription.
From the shattered world of Outland to the frozen wastes of Northrend, you’ll encounter deadly dragons, descend into ancient dungeons, forge unbreakable bonds of friendship, and maybe even discover the perfect fishing hole.
Discover countless paths to greatness, and forge new legends along the way. Join us and take your place among the mighty heroes of Azeroth.
Create your hero
Build your own unique hero from one of thirteen player races and twelve different classes then rise to epic heights of power as you challenge deadly foes in the pursuit of adventure, glory, and incredible treasure.
Explore an ever-changing world
World of Warcraft is constantly updated with new adventures to undertake, lands to explore, and monsters to vanquish. For a change of pace, join the party at a seasonal event like Brewfest or Hallow’s End!
Form powerful alliances
Enlist your friends to join forces with you as you negotiate the vast, battle-scarred landscape of a world at war. As you progress, you’ll encounter new ways to test your mettle against the enemies of Azeroth, from five-player cooperative dungeons to epic-scale raids. Countless opportunities await to prove yourself and forge new friendships.
Embark on epic quests
Engage in thousands of custom quests, with more being added all the time. Confront Illidan the Betrayer, shatter the Lich King’s undead armies and much, much more.
Battle to level 60
Ascend to new heights of power as you explore a vast and ever-changing world. Traverse the verdant reaches of the Jade Forest, venture into the depths of Blackrock Caverns, and fight alongside an army against the Legion on the Broken Shore. With World of Warcraft’s revamped leveling system, you decide which content to experience as the chapters of your hero’s story unfold.
How does it work? Will I receive World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time as a physical copy?
No, you will receive World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time product key (World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time CD Key), that you will receive by e-mail. Afterwards, you will need to use the to redeem your World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time product key (World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time CD Key), and you'll be ready to download, install and play World of Warcraft 60 Days Game Time. You will receive a step-by-step guide on how to do this along with your purchase. It's easy as can be!
Aldrig paa lager... ALDRIG.. totalt skuffende.. alle andre ting er paa lager, saa bestil dog nogle flere gamecards, naar de aabenbart sælger.. hvor svært kan det være ?
Hvornår kommer denne varer på lager igen?
Stå og mangler game time og så er det ikke på lager og det har det ikke været i LANG tid det er lidt skuffende
Hver gang jeg kigger eller ønsker at købe denne vare er den ALDRIG på lager!???
Det er godt at se at i har fået Gamecards på lager igen, det har været skuffende at se dem ude af lager så længe uden rigtig at kunne finde et svar på hvorfor (Ud fra købs-siden)
Og det er også fedt at man får koden lige med det samme i det man har bestilt, dog er det skuffende at se at I har sat prisen op med over 10,-
I har altid været kendt for mig som dem med de billigste game-cards, men det ser nu ud til det ikke bliver sådan og det er som sagt skuffende.
Derfor får det kun 3 stjerner I det at jeg som kunde ikke ved hvorfor I har sat prisen op og fordi det simpelthen tog så lang tid (uden respons) for jer at få dem på lager igen.
Håber I finder anmeldesen brugbar.
Playcoins is our very own points system, that we use to reward our most loyal customers. We love you, so we've decided to give something back!
Every time you make a purchase with us, you're rewarded with Playcoins.
Whenver you make a purchase, Numikoins with a monetary value of 2% of the paid amount will be added to your account.
Next time you make a purchase in the store, you can then use your Numikoins for a discount. It's like the old saying goes... money is good, but free money is twice as good.
Download and install Blizzard App here by clicking "Download". This will download a program to install Blizzard App on your computer. Run this program and follow its instructions to install Blizzard App.
Once the Blizzard App is installed and you launch it for the first time, you will be prompted to create a Blizzard account, or log in to an existing Blizzard account. Please note that all product keys you redeem will be tied to an account and can NOT be used again, so remember to remember the login information for this account!
When you're signed in to Blizzard App, click on the "Blizzard" logo in the upper left corner. Select "Account Management" in the menu that appears, which opens a new browser window with your Blizzard account. Touch the green "Add a Game Key" button to the right and enter your product key in the text box. The product will now be added to your account and is ready to be downloaded and installed.